A German man who lost both forearms in an accident waited for three years for handtransplantation

These were the headlines in the newspapers on March 28, 2014. It all happened very quickly on Wednesday 26th March . The 55-year-old Bernd from the German state of Hesse/ Frankfurt am Main flew to Innsbruck to start a new life with new hands.

A team of 30 transplant, trauma and plastic surgeons, as well as anesthesiologists, was on duty for 15 hours from Wednesday to Thursday. In a hand transplant surgery must be connected, bones, arteries, veins, tendons and nerves.

more information about this surgery you can see here: https://www.tt.com/artikel/8154461/55-jaehrigem-wurden-an-uni-klinik-beide-unterarme-transplantiert

Frankfurt. Photo by Tembela Bohle on Pexels.com